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[body] => Falleció el día 15 de noviembre de 2015.
D .E .P .
Tanatorio Mémora Tenerife, velatorio nº 2.
Ceremonia: Día 16 de noviembre, a las 10:40 horas, en el Tanatorio Santa Lastenia.
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[id] => 287912
[obituary_id] => 820677
[user_id] => 119905
[body] => Pormedio de rememori deseo expresar mi más sentido pésame porel fallecimiento de su ser querido y deseo compartir con usted la promesa que nos hase Jehová nuestro creador en la Biblia en Juan capítulo 5 versos 28:29 deseo que les brinde consuelo y esperanza
[name] => Jose Marroquin
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[created] => 2015-11-19 19:13:45
[modified] => 2015-11-19 19:13:45
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[1] => Array
[id] => 287942
[obituary_id] => 820677
[user_id] => 125352
[body] => Hello family
I'm deeply sorry for your tremendous loss of your loved one!
Yes, for at least three reasons: God is the Creator of life. The Bible calls Jehovah God “the source of life.” (Psalm 36:9; Acts 17:24, 25) The One who gave life to all living creatures is certainly capable of restoring life to someone who has died. God has resurrected humans in the past. He has a longing to conquer that enemy, to undo death by means of the resurrection. He yearns to bring back those who are in his memory and to see them live on earth again.—Job 14:14, 15
[name] => Marcos Vizcarra
[ip] =>
[visible] => 0
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 0
[created] => 2015-11-20 01:13:31
[modified] => 2015-11-21 17:12:18
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
Milagros Santana Gonzalez
Falleció el día 19-11-2015
en Tenerife
Falleció el día 15 de noviembre de 2015.
D .E .P .
Tanatorio Mémora Tenerife, velatorio nº 2.
Ceremonia: Día 16 de noviembre, a las 10:40 horas, en el Tanatorio Santa Lastenia.