Array ( [Obituary] => Array ( [id] => 555501 [company_id] => [prefix] => A Señora [name] => Maruja Cendán Lodeiro [what] => Maruja do Severino [age] => [body] =>


Falleció el 22/11/2012.

Fillos, Bernardo (†), Inés, Miguel Ángel e Mª del Carmen García Cendán; fillos políticos, Arturo Bermúdez Vigo, Carel Fernández Pérez e Martín Seco Cendán (†); netos, netos políticos, bisnetos e demais familia, Pregan unha oración pola súa alma e a asistencia á condución do cadáver, que terá lugar mañá sábado, día 24, ás CATRO E MEDIA do serán, dende o fogar funerario ata a igrexa parroquial de Santa María de Vilalba, onde se celebrará o funeral polo seu eterno descanso e acto seguido recibirá sepultura no cemiterio municipal. Favores que agradecerán.

Fogar funerario: Tanatorio Rego e Carballés, sala nº 1 (Vilalba).Haberá servicio de coche da igrexa ó cemiterio.

[contribution] => [source] => webparser_01.lavozdegalicia [funeral] => Funeraria Tanatorio Rego e Carballés Grupo Recafer [date] => 2012-11-22 [slug] => maruja_cendan_lodeiro [hits] => 0 [signed] => 0 [condolence_count] => 3 [filename] => [created] => 2012-11-23 10:38:54 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [redirect] => 0 [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [show_tribute] => 0 [tribute_url] => [incomplete] => 0 [visible] => 1 [company_visible] => 1 [erased] => 0 [erase_date] => [company_parent_id] => [location_id] => 652849 [location_path] => 63, 34268, 41591 [location_place_id] => 41591 [location_place_name] => Vilalba [location_place_slug] => vilalba [location_place_level] => 3 [location_place_visible] => 1 [location_place_parent_id] => 34268 [publishing_places_place_id] => 0 [publishing_places_place_name] => [publishing_places_place_slug] => [publishing_places_place_level] => [publishing_places_place_visible] => [publishing_places_place_parent_id] => [company_name] => [company_slug] => [NIF] => [certification] => [theme] => 1 [obituary_theme] => 1 [place_id] => España → Lugo → Vilalba [where] => Vilalba ) [Company] => Array ( [id] => [name] => [address] => [zip] => [town] => [area] => [province] => [phone] => [phone2] => [flowers_phone_extension] => [fax] => [email] => [web] => [slug] => [legal_name] => [legal_id] => [tax_id] => [billing_account] => [obituary_count] => [created] => [modified] => [flower_service_method] => [has_flower_service] => [flower_service_url] => [obituary_incomplete_default_value] => [obituary_signed_default_value] => [alert_on_new_obituary_created] => [visible] => [is_premium] => [premium_is_active] => [show_premium_preview] => [featured] => [has_remotecontent_service] => [ignore_remotecontent_company_filter] => [send_monthly_report] => [redirect] => [redirect_status] => [redirect_url] => [latitude] => [longitude] => [parent_id] => [activity_id] => [itemsperpage] => [container_width] => [container_posx] => [container_posy] => [fontsize] => [fontfamily] => [fontcolor] => [bgcolorheader] => [bgcoloreven] => [bgcoloruneven] => [fontcolorheader] => [authorized_domain] => [remote_content_date_limit] => [has_funeral_service_budget] => [service_budget_priority] => [service_budget_extension] => ) [Location] => Array ( [id] => 652849 [class] => Obituary [foreign_id] => 555501 [name] => Vilalba [place_id] => 41591 [path] => 63, 34268, 41591 [Place] => Array ( [id] => 41591 [name] => Vilalba [slug] => vilalba [latitude] => -7.6844120026 [longitude] => 43.2954139709 [exact] => 1 [level] => 3 [visible] => 1 [parent_id] => 34268 [lft] => 83927 [rght] => 83928 ) ) [CustomTribute] => Array ( [id] => [obituary_id] => [user_id] => [born_place_id] => [die_place_id] => [name] => [prefix] => [age] => [body] => [gratitude_message] => [source] => [slug] => [created] => [modified] => [expiration_date] => [filename] => [born] => [died] => [what] => [visible] => [paid] => [confirmed_by_user] => [show_born] => [show_died] => [user_validation_required] => [allow_users_contact] => [theme] => [type] => [admin_relation] => ) [Condolence] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 128903 [obituary_id] => 555501 [user_id] => 84727 [body] => Mulberry outlet Canadian eggs range from Peewee to Jumbo. Sixebsoqs pandora Sale ihqmnf 856019 facts about goose 342369 canada goose jackets [name] => nvttqixw [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2012-12-15 03:43:50 [modified] => 2012-12-15 03:43:50 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 129203 [obituary_id] => 555501 [user_id] => 84727 [body] => Mulberry uk These buildings were occupied by senior boys and mixed infants and juniors from the Lenton Abbey Estate; the senior girls were sent to Nether Street, notwithstanding the high numbers already that school. Efmusoneo canada goose jakke gondpe 017120 canada parka 632250 [name] => ekiapxhz [ip] => [visible] => 0 [confirmed_by_user] => 1 [reviewed_by_admin] => 1 [informed_to_user] => 0 [created] => 2012-12-17 16:26:03 [modified] => 2012-12-18 03:30:01 [condolence_type] => 0 [is_free] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 133697 [obituary_id] => 555501 [user_id] => 87270 [body] => It's so slow," he says. 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A Señora Maruja Cendán Lodeiro

Falleció el día 22-11-2012
en Vilalba

Maruja do Severino


Falleció el 22/11/2012.

Fillos, Bernardo (†), Inés, Miguel Ángel e Mª del Carmen García Cendán; fillos políticos, Arturo Bermúdez Vigo, Carel Fernández Pérez e Martín Seco Cendán (†); netos, netos políticos, bisnetos e demais familia, Pregan unha oración pola súa alma e a asistencia á condución do cadáver, que terá lugar mañá sábado, día 24, ás CATRO E MEDIA do serán, dende o fogar funerario ata a igrexa parroquial de Santa María de Vilalba, onde se celebrará o funeral polo seu eterno descanso e acto seguido recibirá sepultura no cemiterio municipal. Favores que agradecerán.

Fogar funerario: Tanatorio Rego e Carballés, sala nº 1 (Vilalba).Haberá servicio de coche da igrexa ó cemiterio.

Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-flores a Maruja Cendán Lodeiro
Esquelas-online-difuntos-fallecidos-rememori-velas a Maruja Cendán Lodeiro

El equipo de quiere hacer llegar a su familia y allegados su sincero mensaje de condolencia, y ofrecerle todos los servicios que ofrece nuestra web, para recordar y homenajear a sus queridos fallecidos.