[Obituary] => Array
[id] => 292991
[company_id] =>
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[name] => Ingeborg Zander
[what] =>
[age] => 79
[body] => Ha fallecido a los 79 años. Vivia a Begur. Exèquies: demà passat, a 2/4 de 12 del matí, a la sala de cerimònies del tanatori de Palafrugell.
[contribution] =>
[source] => omnisciens_3.elpunt-girona
[funeral] =>
[date] => 2011-02-21
[slug] => ingeborg_zander
[hits] => 208
[signed] => 0
[condolence_count] => 4
[filename] =>
[created] => 2011-02-21 10:32:22
[modified] => 2011-02-21 10:33:16
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[location_path] => 63, 34256, 38552
[location_place_id] => 38552
[location_place_name] => Begur
[location_place_slug] => begur
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[location_place_parent_id] => 34256
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[id] => 332281
[class] => Obituary
[foreign_id] => 292991
[name] => Begur
[place_id] => 38552
[path] => 63, 34256, 38552
[Place] => Array
[id] => 38552
[name] => Begur
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[exact] => 1
[level] => 3
[visible] => 1
[parent_id] => 34256
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[CustomTribute] => Array
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[Condolence] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 37647
[obituary_id] => 292991
[user_id] => 28219
[body] => Inge... fue mi primera maestra de astrologia. Hace treinta años.
Ahora mismo, que acabo de buscar en google para conectar y hablar con ella (desde hace años vivo lejos), me encuentro con esto.... Lo siento mucho. Lo siento de verdad no poder despedirme de ella..
Gracias Inge.
[name] => josep rosell port
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2011-02-23 14:39:00
[modified] => 2011-02-23 17:39:53
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[1] => Array
[id] => 38079
[obituary_id] => 292991
[user_id] => 28468
[body] => M´ha deixat una gran amiga i persona. Ha volgut assumir la malaltía com una part del camí, com bé va dir-me la nostra amiga i homeòpata, la María Lloveras. Ha sigut una gran pèrdua, era un pou d´informació i sabiduría, tan necessari per a sortir del ramat de cabres, que som la majoría dels humans. Mai t´oblidaré, fins sempre.
[name] => Lluis Casanovas i Martinez
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2011-02-27 11:22:00
[modified] => 2011-02-27 21:48:39
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[2] => Array
[id] => 38525
[obituary_id] => 292991
[user_id] => 28772
[body] => Adios Ingeborg,
Gracias por tu amistad, tu generosidad y gran espiritu de revelarnos los secretos arcanos de Egipto, de la numerologia, la astrologia y un largo etc.
Estaremos en contacto a traves de la comunicacion espiritual para que sigues revelando mas secretos de este universo y otros.
A great hug from myself and Isabel,
Your friend,
Robert Goodman
[name] => Robert Goodman
[ip] =>
[visible] => 1
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 1
[created] => 2011-03-03 01:23:00
[modified] => 2011-03-03 08:08:49
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
[3] => Array
[id] => 247048
[obituary_id] => 292991
[user_id] => 117584
[body] => *******************
The message of the Sphinx*
''the journey of the pharaon soul to the domain of Osiris in the Stars to the Dhuat''
you've gone, but you will return
you've sleept, but you will awake
you've died, but you will live
the tomb is opened for you
the doors of the coffin
are drawn back for you
the doors of the sky
are thron oppened for you
Gran amiga i maestra espiritual
Ingeborg siempre en mi constelación siempre en mi corazón*
[name] => Julia Sais Artiga
[ip] =>
[visible] => 0
[confirmed_by_user] => 1
[reviewed_by_admin] => 1
[informed_to_user] => 0
[created] => 2014-12-15 17:29:38
[modified] => 2014-12-15 17:29:38
[condolence_type] => 0
[is_free] => 0
Ingeborg Zander